Scott T: The Blog

Drastic Measures

Posted Fri, May 02, 2008 at 9:40am by Scott
Tagged: spam, this-site

I must say Akismet rules, however I've been getting a little bit of blog spam recently (10 per day every few days - up to about 160 in total now and they seem to like 7th Guest). And I'm sick of clearing the queue. So it's time for me to take some action.

I don't feel the need just yet (or the inclination with uni and other more pressing matters) to implement any form of CAPTCHA (of any sort, be it math, image or "english" based) so I've now blocked ALL spam comments that Akismet picks up such that they get immediately binned. No moderation. No spam queues. Nothing. So if anyone trips the spam filter, you'll need to try again with a less "spammy" comment.

Hopefully it doesn't start trying to block all comments :p


I hate spam! And recently I found valid comments in my spam box, which wasn't fun. Those capatcha images are really annoying when you can't work out what the letters are, so it's nice and refreshing to be able to leave a comment without squinting at the screen to work out what that damn code says, lol!

Posted Fri, May 09, 2008 at 10:09pm by Katie

It really is a hard thing to get right. I don't really like the image captcha's at all - even though I can usually get them myself they aren't the most accessible of things. I like the math based one on your blog but I don't really have the need to implement it just yet and they probably aren't that hard for bots to parse. I read about the incorrect spam comment and have made sure that anyone who leaves a comment here and trips the filter are told to re-submit (assuming they see the error at the top of the page ;) )

Just noticed a few spam comments got through earlier this morning so I guess it's still not foolproof.

Posted Sun, May 11, 2008 at 1:10pm by Scott

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Spam Count 
  • 1971 spam comments
Boring Stuff 

The images shown on this site are ones myself or family members have taken (unless otherwise noted). Don't use them unless you let us know - leave a comment somewhere as I'll usually find it.

Things I write can be used as quotes elsewhere however as long as they are attributed to me (preferably with a link and a comment somewhere that you've used it).