Scott T: The Blog

It's Cold at the Coast

Posted Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 9:33pm by Scott
Tagged: everyday, games, sailing

Quite cold. Or at least when compared to back up here at home when last week, the lowest maximum for the day was 28C.

[[img|/images/gallery/4/76_med.jpg||float=left|Boats on the shore ready for launching]]Last weekend, on the 8th though 10th we headed down to Victor Harbor for the second leg of the Mosquito States - the first of which was up here last November. Anticipating the cold, I packed jackets and long pants, and upon getting out of the car at the caravan park down there, things didn't seem too bad.

The next day however was a different matter. While a tolerable 19C was forecast, the wind was not factored in to my expectations and despite the sunny weather, it was quite cool all day. The McDonald's cappuccino at 3pm was much appreciated :D I also managed to get rather sunburnt although only on my face and the tops of my hands. This is probably because they were the only parts of my body uncovered :)

Sunday was more of the same however after learning our lesson, the car was parked facing the water allowing shelter all morning. Despite Dad sustaining damage to his Mossie while attempting to leave shore the weekend was reasonably enjoyable.

I would have probably posted this earlier, except I've been colonising new land in Anno 1701 :) Screen shot shows my settlement achieving independence.


I'm Home!

Posted Wed, Nov 28, 2007 at 12:54pm by Scott
Tagged: fires, sailing, uni, water
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It's been a little while since the last post so time for an update. Firstly, exams are over! Hopefully everything went well. I'm also home again after leaving my uni accommodation after the final exam last Friday. I also picked up a new computer on the way :D

The fires were put out towards the end of last week and I got to see all the burnt out areas on the way home. A lot of the weed area that was there is now bare (and black) land. The Australian election was held on the Saturday with a reasonably one-sided victory to the Labor Party.

Finally, we also had state titles over the weekend so I spent a bit of time down at the yacht club, which also allowed me to see how the water has dropped.

I know the photo may not show a lot for those unaware of the area, but the water used to be some 10cm or more above that ledge on the log not too long ago so that gives ~20-30cm drop in the last few months. The lake also now has a beach approximately three times as wide as it used to be.


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