Scott T: The Blog
t7gre - svn'd
Posted Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 9:16pm by ScottTagged: games, scummvm
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As Spookypeanut put it, it's the The End of the Beginning. Starting with simply loading the VDX data files, we've managed to recreate the Groovie engine as a ScummVM plugin, and as of revision 35060 it's now included in ScummVM :)
Obviously things aren't over yet - there's still the full AI for the microscope puzzle remaining. We also want to implement the remaining Groovie games as well - Clandestiny, The 11th Hour, Uncle Henry's Playhouse and Tender Loving Care - although these use a slight variation to that of T7G.
Exciting times ;)
Browsing Through Data
Posted Mon, Jul 07, 2008 at 10:29pm by ScottTagged: games, programming, scummvm, uni
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(click to enlarge)
What can I say? 3 hours knocking up the core code and slightly modifying my GJD/VDX readers in C# gives me this useful little tool - a GJD browser. Basically, it scans a directory (specified on first-run) which contains the GJD and RL files from The 7th Guest and provides an interface to access the VDXs within. These can then be played as normally seen in-game, audio or video played separate, or even step through each frame individually - should come in useful when trying to get some of the puzzles working when I can see how the separate VDX frames start - and then work out how they should mix together.
Oh, and my last exam went well enough so at least that's done with for another semester. Or two - I've got work placement all this semester coming up so no exams at the end of the year. Only two x-thousand word reports and a seminar to present about it or something like that... *sigh*
Transparent Spiders
Posted Wed, May 07, 2008 at 5:47pm by ScottTagged: games, programming, scummvm
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Pretty strange title, but the front-door puzzle in T7G is working, both logically and graphically!
T7G spider puzzle in action
Probably not what I should be doing with uni et al, but I'm happy to finally get what should have been trivial done :D
Not really looking forward to the cake puzzle just yet though (and before anyone asks - no release time yet although you're more than welcome to obtain a copy of the code).