Scott T: The Blog

Apache and Vista's Symlinks

Posted Sat, Jan 19, 2008 at 2:26pm by Scott
Tagged: programming, ssc, vista
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For those not in the know, Vista does support a form of symbolic link (also known as a symlink). While these seem to be used all the time in *nix systems, this is one of the first Windows based systems with them, however they seem to not be flawless.

Now to the point of this post - I'm currently dabbling around with V3 of SSC and had created a symlink from my workspace (C:\Users\<blah>\workspace\SSC\trunk) into Apache's wwwroot for simplicity (c:\wwwroot) of debugging. While this worked perfectly initially, the .htaccess file worked wasn't being parsed :s

I'm not certain of where the problem lies in this instance but it seems that the <DirectoryMatch> directive for the wwwroot wasn't catching the SSC symlink but then again, neither was adding it's true path (the "c:\users\...") one. Unfortunately it seemed the only way around this that I could find quickly was to remove the initial security added in the default install.

Is there anyone else who has been bitten by this and found a better solution?

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