Scott T: The Blog

Easter 2009

Posted Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 9:46pm by Scott
Tagged: sailing
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Not much to report this year - I went home to see family and to spend the weekend down the yacht club. The drive on Friday morning was a lot better than the one on Easter Thursday last year, however there was still enough slow vehicles around. The worst ones were those who stuck close together so there wasn't enough room between them to pull in while overtaking while not wanting to overtake themselves. Unfortunately, the weather was wind-less yet again (seems to be a common theme these days) so the sailing was a little slow. So much so that I took a canoe out to keep the sailors company on the water during one of the races.

The sun-set just before the club dinner on Sunday night was worth it though :)

According to Plan

Posted Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 11:38am by Scott
Tagged: everyday, games, sailing
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Isn't it nice when things go according to plan? Considering this was meant to be posted 2 weeks ago, I'm not doing a bad job :P

Not much ended up happening through December other than starting my summer work and Christmas. Fortunately my summer job lasted longer than expected so although I didn't have much spare time off after starting, it was nice to re-fill the bank balance slightly. The arrival of January marked the start of the year, and also (oddly enough) the start of a rather annoying 3-week stretch of hot weather (ignoring 15th-18th of Jan).

This hot weather also coincided with the Mosquito National Titles (held in Wallaroo this year) - somehow the two always seem to start in the exact same week as each-other, regardless of when in the month they actually occur. I didn't end up going but I heard the sand blown by the wind was extremely irritating for the spectators.

January continued without much of interest before turning into February and bringing the second half of the Mozzie State Titles (as continuation from Pt Vincent in late last year). A rather enjoyable weekend was had from our perspective, and I managed to get sunburned yet again (backs of legs and a little bit on the arms this time). Facilities were about the only complaint to be had (the blue tent was the clubhouse):

Uni started early this year due to one topic running from Feb till April rather than in Semester 1, so I moved back down to Adelaide on the 12th instead of 22nd so I had a fairly quiet week or so from then until O Week started. O Week Tuesday afternoon (and Wednesday morning) were taken up by a LAN organised within our engineering year level which provided a nice way to relax before the beginning of a new year.

On a different note, T7G is supported in the new 0.13.0 release of ScummVM :)

Summer Sun - Part 2

Posted Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 9:22pm by Scott
Tagged: sailing

Apparently I don't learn very quickly - at least for sunburn. Last weekend was the first half of the 2008-09 Mozzie state titles and I managed to do a mild repeat of Victor Harbour. Fortunately I was wearing a long-sleeved t-shirt so only pinked the backs of my hands, neck and a my face slightly. At least this time I had a hat on :p The weather wasn't too great for the trip across on Friday (rain, wind, cold) and Saturday wasn't too much better (wind, cold) and was abandoned due to too much wind. Sunday was good in comparison and after a light breeze for the morning race, those involved were happy with race 2.

Oh, and just over a week until Uni is finished for the year, and I get to go home :)

Long Weekend!

Posted Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 1:31pm by Scott
Tagged: sailing, water
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Hard to believe we're halfway through October (and Spring) already - not to mention this post is almost 2 weeks later than planned already. Holidays have come and gone for another two months (even if I had to work through them), and exams are looming in a few weeks time for all those around me and for the Year 12's (including my younger sister - good luck! =) ).

Anyway, the long weekend also brought the opening of the new sailing season too, for which I headed home again. Unfortunately I was struck down by Labyrinthitis for the second time in 3 years (however was lucky enough for it to not be as bad as last time) but ultimately it was mostly drifting due to a lack of wind. Luckily the final race on Sunday afternoon picked up so the weekend wasn't completely wasted by those who visited the region. No photos of that since I wasn't expecting the wind to pick up as much as it did.

The water-line is also still receding - these photos were taken on Saturday 11th. The usual view doesn't really show where it sits now that the logs are out of the water so here is a side view instead. For scale purposes, most people stand roughly two-thirds the way up the closest stump. Still deep enough for us to sail although there are some areas down to less than 1.5m.

Home for Easter

Posted Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 7:40pm by Scott
Tagged: everyday, sailing, water
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Easter Thursday traffic (particularly around 5pm) is a complete pain. Seriously.

After finishing my lab early and rushing back to my accommodation, I managed to drive out of the car park around 4:20pm. It then took me close to half an hour for what is normally a ten minute drive to reach one of my friends houses to pick them up. From there, we battled our way across to the other side of the city for our tea break arriving at 6:45pm. We left there at 7:15pm and settled down to sit behind a truck for the several hour drive. One RBT later (a "Random Breath Test" - my first one! They were pulling off groups of 10 or so cars at a time), we arrived home around 9:20pm meaning a travel time close to 4.5 hours.

The weekend itself was quite good. I spent most of Saturday and all of Sunday down the Yacht Club and got adequately sunburnt on the Saturday afternoon out in the rescue boat. Seems to be a habit of mine getting burnt at sailing events. Unfortunately there wasn't a lot of wind but all the "races" got in with lasagne and apple crumble for tea on the Sunday night. All in all, I think the majority of those sailing enjoyed the weekend, both on and off water.

At home on the Sunday, rumours that someone had left one of the doors open spread with no chocolate eggs located outside this year, but rather, spread throughout the lounge and dining rooms with some around the hallway and bathroom as well. The other alternative here is that the Easter Bunny found the cat-flap this year.

I also took the time for a trip around the lake to see the effects lack of water. While not a lot had changed from last time, there was a 10 or 15cm drop which was noticeable around the tree stumps. Part way around the lake provided some quite appealing photo opportunities as well (photos at end of post).

Eventually the weekend had to come to a close so my friends were dropped off at our place and we left around 12:45pm. The drive back wasn't nearly as hectic as the one up was with myself opting to just sit out the slower cars until an overtaking lane (leaving adequate room in front of me), but even still, we saw some rather risky overtaking manoeuvres performed by other cars. Upon reaching the city again, things didn't slow down very much with a fairly clear run through and after dropping my friends back off, I arrived back around 4:10pm. Around an hour less than in reverse direction a few days earlier.

Of course, the only issue I can see now is a lack of hot cross buns for another 11 months...

And now for the other lake photos. Full view here and here.

Did other people get up to much?

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